Sternal muscle myofascial syndrome MEDECIN ABONNE

Anatomy of the sternal muscle

Anatomy of the sternal muscle
The sternal muscle is an inconstant muscle whose fibers run parallel on either side of the sternum. They are located above the insertion of the pectoral muscle on the sternum (in red).

Myofascial syndrome of the sternal muscle.

Myofascial syndrome of the sternal muscle.
Myofascial syndrome of the sternal muscle.
The myofascial syndrome appears after pain referred to the sternal region as myocardial ischemia or from one end of the muscle (rectus in the lower part, sterno-cleido-mastoid in the upper part). Referred pain from the sternal muscle takes the following topography (fuchsia zone), it can be deep under the sternal. When the pain is initially related to myocardial ischemic pathology, the pain may persist while the cardiac problem is resolved.

Myofascial syndrome of the sternal muscle.

The examination of the muscle is done by hand flat on the sternal region, we find a painful point with an exquisite sensitivity (green point).
The treatment is done by ischemic compression or by infiltration of local anesthesia at the level of the painful point.


Post operative chronic pain