Anatomical reminder 1- Antero-superior iliac spine. 2-Acetabulum. 3-Tuberosity of the ischium. 4-Sacrotuberous ligament. 5-Ischio-cavernous muscle. 6-Vagina. 7-Urethra. 8-Lower layer of the uro-genital diaphragm (sectioned). 9-Deep transverse muscle of the perineum. 10-Pubis. 11-superficial transverse muscle of
Anatomical reminder 1- Antero-superior iliac spine. 2-Acetabulum. 3-Tuberosity of the ischium. 4-Sacrotuberous ligament. 5-Ischio-cavernous muscle. 6-Vagina. 7-Urethra. 8-Lower layer of the uro-genital diaphragm (sectioned). 9-Deep transverse muscle of the perineum. 10-Pubis. 11-superficial transverse muscle of