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Clinical cases doctor

Chronic pain after ankle sprain.

Mm X., 29, presented two years ago with a trivial ankle sprain without major damage to the external ligaments of the ankle. She developed a chronic pain syndrome in the foot, ankle and right leg

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Clinical cases doctor

Chronic pain after bimalleolar ankle fracture MEDECIN ABONNE

M X, 45 years old, victim of a bi-malleolar ankle fracture operated on 14 months ago, has significant residual pain limiting walking and returning to work (the patient is a liberal physiotherapist). Following his operation,

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Clinical cases doctor

Post laser pain of perianal warts

Miss X, 27, received treatment for perianal warts 5 years ago. Unfortunately this treatment is complicated by a staphylococcal superinfection with perianal abscess to the left of the anus which required antibiotic therapy and prolonged

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Clinical cases doctor

Scar pain activation

Mrs. X, 57 years old, presents with arteritis of the lower limbs. She will benefit from femoral artery surgery at the level of the root of the left thigh. In the following weeks, Mrs. X

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Clinical cases doctor

Chronic sciatica after laser treatment of varicose veins ABONNE LIBRE

Mr X, 69 years old, has been suffering from hyperalgesic sciatica for 6 months. The various examinations carried out are not conclusive, the MRI does not find any clear signs of compression at the level

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Back pain

Chronic sciatica after herniated disc surgery ABONNE

M X, 47, was operated on, apparently a little late, for a herniated L4-L5 lumbar disc responsible for hyperalgesic acute sciatica with motor and sensory deficit (decreased sensitivity and strength on the territory of the

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Clinical cases doctor

Pain after anterior hip prosthesis

Mm X, 65 years old, was operated on for a hip prosthesis via an anterior approach 9 months ago (an intervention where the incision is made on the anterior aspect of the thigh (green zone),

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Clinical cases doctor

Post-hip prosthesis pain ABONNE

Mrs. X, 75 years old, complains of thigh pain and feeling of leg slippage. Ms. X was operated on a few years ago for a hip prosthesis on the same leg. She is convinced that

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Clinical cases doctor

Pain after knee prosthesis 2

Mrs. X, 70 years old, comes for the consequences of algodystrophy of the knee lasting for 15 months. This algodystrophy or CRPS type 1 appeared following a knee prosthesis. Mrs. X complains of overall knee

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Clinical cases doctor

Pain after knee prosthesis 1 ABONNE LIBRE

Mrs. X, 75 years old, has pain in her right knee following a knee prosthesis 18 months ago. She has pain in support. Limitation of knee flexion, gait instability. She describes an impression of too

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Clinical cases doctor

Pain after ilio-femoral artery bypass surgery

M X, 65 years old, was operated on for a bypass of the main artery of the left leg. She was replaced by a prosthesis from the inguinal fold to the back of the knee.

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Clinical cases doctor

Post meniscectomy pain ABONNE

Mr. X, 40, underwent arthroscopic internal meniscectomy surgery knee two years ago. Some time after the operation, M X describes nocturnal impatience of this leg followed by the appearance of burns on the anterior face

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Clinical cases doctor

Lower limb pain and balance disorder ABONNE LIBRE

Mrs. X, 60 years old, comes to the consultation with balance disorders. All the additional examinations carried out are normal. His symptoms appeared following the removal of a patella strapping, placed for a patella fracture

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Post operative chronic pain