We will first recall the notion of cicatricial neuropathy. The causes of scarred leg pain are (non-exhaustive): Knee surgery (prosthesis, arthroscopy, etc.) Wound, burn, hematoma of the knee Wound, burn, hematoma of the leg Varicose
Reminder Explain chronic pain Cicatricial neuropathies Associated myofascial syndromes that modify the clinical symptoms of cicatricial neuropathies. Description The surgical approaches to these two procedures are vulvar for bartholinitis +/- perineal for episiotomy. We will
Reminder Explain chronic pain Cicatricial neuropathies Associated myofascial syndromes that modify the clinical symptoms of cicatricial neuropathies. Description A few cases of lumbar pain, radiating into the lower limb, with a neuropathic appearance appear after