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SUNCT or short-term, unilateral headache attacks with conjunctival injection and tearing

Severe to intolerable pain located at the frontal and temporal level which can sometimes radiate towards the lower face. Neuropathic type crisis with electric shocks, sometimes pulsating burns. The attacks are short-lived, 5 seconds to

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Paroxysmal hemicrania

Rarer than cluster headaches. Clinical resemblance but shorter, very intense attack (2 and 30 minutes) and more frequent. Periorbital and temporal pain with runny nose, temporal sweat, eye redness, eyelid drooping. Seen at any age.

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Cluster headache

DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA FOR FACIAL VASCULAR PAIN There are 5 essential criteria according to the IHS (the international headache society) to make the diagnosis of cluster headache. A: At least 5 crises meeting criteria B and

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Cluster headaches (and other trigeminal autonomic headaches)

Three different forms are defined in the 2004 classification of the IHS (international headache society). 1-Cluster cluster headache (AVF) 2-Paroxysmal hemicrania. 3-The SUNCT.

Post operative chronic pain