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CRPS 1, Algodystrophy

Complex regional pain syndrome (algodystrophy) MEDECIN

Complex Regional Pain Syndromes type 1 or 2 (former algoneurodystrophy and causalgia) Description.. CRPS can evolve in 3 phases: The evolution between these 3 phases is variable in duration and can be very long or

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CRPS 1, Algodystrophy

Algodystrophy and scarring neuropathy: are they the same thing?

Discussion based on an example Clinical case : Mrs X, 65 years old, is referred to a pain consultation for the management of algodystrophy diagnosed 4 months ago which appeared 3 months after the insertion

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Clinical cases doctor

Algodystrophy of a hand following an operated wrist fracture

Ms. X, 50 years old, presented a wrist fracture a few months ago (colles’ fracture). After the operation (installation of 3 fixation pins), the patient is cast. The plaster is removed after 3 weeks before

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Post operative chronic pain