We will first recall the notion of cicatricial neuropathy. The causes of posterior pain of the head of scarring origin are (non-exhaustive): Brain surgery: Open surgery (trephination) Stereotaxic surgery (doctor subscription) Intraoperative head fixation system
Here is the list of muscles potentially responsible for these pains, a link can be selected for more details on a particular muscle: Temporal muscle Masseter muscle Orbicularis muscle of the eye
Here is the list of muscles potentially responsible for these pains, a link can be selected for more details on a particular muscle: Masseter muscle Sternocleidomastoid muscle Lateral pterygoid muscle Medial pterygoid muscle
A number of muscles in the neck and head can be responsible for pain referred to the temporal part of the head. Trapezius muscle Splenius muscle Sternocleidomastoid muscle Temporal muscle Suboccipital muscles Semispinatus muscle
The following muscles may be responsible for pain in the back of the head: Trapezius muscle Semispinatus muscle Splenius muscle of the neck Suboccipital muscles Occipito-frontal muscle Sternocleidomastoid muscle Digastric muscle Temporal muscle
Two muscles can cause vertex pain: Sternocleidomastoid muscle Muscle splénius de la tête
The essential form (without local cause) is rare (75 times less frequent than neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve). It mostly affects people over the age of 60. The search for an ENT cancer pathology must
The trigeminal nerve (V: anatomical reminder), the V divided into 3 territories V1, V2 and V3. Description : It is most often a woman over 50, frequent around 70 years. The pain is systematized in
This headache, once considered essentially psychogenic, is very common since it affects between 30% and 78% of the general population. Diagnostic : The diagnosis is made after at least ten episodes of headache. These episodes
Migraine aura may not be followed by headache, posing difficult diagnostic problems, especially in the absence of an identical history. Visual aura It is the most common aura; it characterizes “ophthalmic migraine”. The scintillating scotoma
Affects children of school age (4% of children). The diagnostic criteria are: Duration from 1 to 72 hours. Pain of moderate or severe intensity. Dull or irritative in character. Median or peri-umbilical location or poorly
Benign paroxysmal torticollis in children Benign paroxysmal pediatric torticollis is a rare functional disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of torticollis (head tilt to the side) in healthy children. It appears in the first year of
Cyclic vomiting in the child. Cyclic vomiting syndrome (VCS) is a poorly understood migraine equivalent. The diagnosis of CVS is based on the criteria of the International Headache Society, in the absence of arguments in
Minimum number of crisis for diagnosis Duration of crisis Crisis Frequency Aura Onset Duration Aura Duration Migraine without aura 5 24-72 h Migraine with aura 2 >5
The muscles of the face are: Orbicularis muscle of the eye, The zygomatic muscle, The platysma muscle. Myofascial syndromes of the muscles of the face give pain referred to the latter. Orbicularis oculi muscle (in
Anatomy of the occipitofrontalis muscle. This muscle is composed of an anterior frontal part and an occipital part (in red). They are attached to an aponeurosis which covers the skull (in yellow) and which slides
Benign paroxysmal vertigo: generally affects children between 2 and 4 years old, exceptionally over 10 years old. It lasts from a few seconds to a minute. Its frequency varies, from weekly to monthly access, sometimes
Diagnostic Migraine management: aims to accurately diagnose migraine according to ICHD-3 criteria, check chronic migraine risk factors and comorbidities, to assess migraine-related problems disability and its severity, to evaluate the effectiveness and tolerability of current