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Guide to pain of myofascial origin

Muscle pain in the lower trunk, buttocks and pelvis

Choose the painful area that interests you by selecting it with a click:

Guide to pain of myofascial origin

Trunk muscle pain

Choose the painful area from the diagrams below.

Guide to pain of myofascial origin

Posterior-median chest pain

Here is the list of muscles potentially responsible for these pains, a link can be selected for more details on a particular muscle: Scalene muscles Latissimus dorsi muscle Levator scapula muscle Iliocostal thoracic muscle Multifidus

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Guide to pain of myofascial origin

Pain in the back of the shoulder

Here is the list of muscles potentially responsible for these pains, a link can be selected for more details on a particular muscle: Deltoid muscle Levator scapula muscle Scalene muscles Supraspinatus muscle Teres major muscle

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Guide to pain of myofascial origin

Upper back pain

Here is the list of muscles potentially responsible: Scalene muscles Levator scapula muscle Supraspinatus muscle Trapezius muscle Multifidus muscles Splenius muscle of the neck Rhomboid muscle Triceps brachii muscle Biceps brachii muscle

Guide to pain of myofascial origin

Pelvic pain

Here is the list of muscles potentially responsible for these pains, a link can be selected for more details on a particular muscle: Pelvic floor muscles Hip adductors

Guide to pain of myofascial origin

Lower abdominal pain

Here is the list of muscles potentially responsible for these pains, a link can be selected for more details on a particular muscle: Abdominal muscles Iliocostal muscle of the thorax Square muscle of the loins

Guide to pain of myofascial origin

Buttock pain

Here is the list of muscles potentially responsible for these pains, a link can be selected for more details on a particular muscle: Longissimus muscle of the thorax Iliocostal muscle of the loins Multifidus muscle

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Guide to pain of myofascial origin

Iliosacral pain

Here is the list of muscles potentially responsible for these pains, a link can be selected for more details on a particular muscle: Multifidus muscle Square muscle of the loins Gluteus maximus muscle Gluteus medius

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Guide to pain of myofascial origin

Sacral and buttock pain

Here is the list of muscles potentially responsible for these pains, a link can be selected for more details on a particular muscle: Longissimus muscle of the thorax Iliocostal muscle of the loins Multifidus muscle

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Guide to pain of myofascial origin

Lower back pain

Here is the list of muscles potentially responsible for these pains, a link can be selected for more details on a particular muscle: Longissimus muscle of the thorax Iliocostal thoracic and lumbar muscles Multifidus muscle

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Guide to pain of myofascial origin

Abdominal pain

Here is the list of muscles potentially responsible for these pains, a link can be selected for more details on a particular muscle: Abdominal muscles Iliocostal muscle of the thorax

Guide to pain of myofascial origin

Lateral chest pain

Here is the list of muscles potentially responsible for these pains, a link can be selected for more details on a particular muscle: Serratus anterior Latissimus dorsi muscle

Guide to pain of myofascial origin

Anterior chest pain

Here is the list of muscles potentially responsible for these pains, a link can be selected for more details on a particular muscle: Pectoralis major muscle Pectoralis minor muscle Sternal muscle Scalene muscles Sternocleidomastoid muscle

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Guide to pain of myofascial origin

Lower posterior chest pain

Here is the list of muscles potentially responsible for these pains, a link can be selected for more details on a particular muscle: Iliocostal thoracic muscle Multifidus muscle Posterior and inferior serratus muscle rectus abdominis

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Guide to pain of myofascial origin

Myofascial syndrome of the teres major muscle MEDECIN

Anatomical reminder Muscle behind the scapula. (anatomy Wikipédia) Myofascial syndrome of the teres major muscle Patients mainly complain of pain when moving the shoulder, especially when driving a vehicle with a somewhat hard steering wheel.

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Guide to pain of myofascial origin

Myofascial syndrome of thoracolumbar paravertebral muscles

Anatomical reminder This muscle group is made up of: superficial fibers: longissimus and iliocostals deep fibres: multifidus, long and short rotators Description Surface fibers: 1 -Longissimus of the head 2 – Iliocostal thoracic 3 –

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Guide to pain of myofascial origin

Serratus Posterior and Inferior Myofascial Syndrome

Anatomical reminder Diagnostic The muscle inserts medially on the aponeurosis which joins the spinous D11-D12-L1-L2 and laterally on the last 4 ribs. Functions Participa en la rotación de la columna ver su extensión los músculos

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Guide to pain of myofascial origin

Myofascial syndrome of the rhomboids lesser and greater muscles

Anatomical reminder The small rhomboid is inserted medially on the nuchal ligament and on the spinous spinae of the C7 and T1 vertebrae and laterally on the medial border of the scapula. Below, the rhomboid

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Guide to pain of myofascial origin

Latissimus dorsi muscle myofascial syndrome ABONNE LIBRE

Anatomical reminder This very extensive muscle is inserted, in its medial part, on the spines of the last 6 thoracic vertebrae, the 5 lumbar vertebrae, on the sacrum, on the iliac crest and on the

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Guide to pain of myofascial origin

Myofascial syndrome of the levator scapula MEDECIN LIBRE

Anatomical reminder The levator scapula attaches above to the transverse processes of the first 4 cervical vertebrae and below to the superomedial angle of the scapula. Its role is: to elevate the medial aspect of

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Guide to pain of myofascial origin

Myofascial syndrome of the iliopsoas muscle

Anatomical reminder Description 1 – Psoas minor tendon 2 – Inguinal ligament 3 – Pubis 4 – Lesser trochanter 5 – Iliac muscle 6 – Psoas major muscle 7 – Psoas minor muscle 8 –

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Guide to pain of myofascial origin

Myofascial syndrome of the square muscle of the loins MEDECIN LIBRE

Anatomical reminder   The anatomical insertions on 3 different structures give rise to 3 groups of fibers of different orientation: The fibers, which start at the top of the twelfth side and attach, at the

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Guide to pain of myofascial origin

Myofascial syndromes of the pelvic floor muscles MEDECIN

Anatomical reminder 1- Antero-superior iliac spine. 2-Acetabulum. 3-Tuberosity of the ischium. 4-Sacrotuberous ligament. 5-Ischio-cavernous muscle. 6-Vagina. 7-Urethra. 8-Lower layer of the uro-genital diaphragm (sectioned). 9-Deep transverse muscle of the perineum. 10-Pubis. 11-superficial transverse muscle of

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Guide to pain of myofascial origin

Sternal muscle myofascial syndrome MEDECIN LIBRE

Anatomy of the sternal muscle The sternal muscle is an inconstant muscle whose fibers run parallel on either side of the sternum. They are located above the insertion of the pectoral muscle on the sternum

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Guide to pain of myofascial origin

Myofascial syndrome of the abdominal muscles. MEDECIN LIBRE

Pain related to the abdominal musculature often poses diagnostic problems. Indeed, the relationships with the underlying viscera are close. Thus, myofascial syndromes of the abdominal muscles can be responsible for digestive or genitourinary disorders such

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Post operative chronic pain