Tag: Pelvic pain

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Guide to Scar Pain

Episiotomy, bartholinitis

Reminder Explain chronic pain Cicatricial neuropathies Associated myofascial syndromes that modify the clinical symptoms of cicatricial neuropathies. Description The surgical approaches to these two procedures are vulvar for bartholinitis +/- perineal for episiotomy. We will

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Guide to Scar Pain

Open gynecological surgery or caesarean section

Reminder Explain chronic pain Cicatricial neuropathies Associated myofascial syndromes that modify the clinical symptoms of cicatricial neuropathies. Description This surgery is performed by a more or less wide horizontal suprapubic incision (in green). It can

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Guide to scar pain

Pudendal nerve surgery

Reminder Explain chronic pain Cicatricial neuropathies Associated myofascial syndromes that modify the clinical symptoms of cicatricial neuropathies. Description There are different surgical approaches to free the pudendal nerve in its entirety: The transgluteal pathway or

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Guide to scar pain

Testicular surgery

Reminder Explain chronic pain Cicatricial neuropathies Associated myofascial syndromes that modify the clinical symptoms of cicatricial neuropathies. Description Testicular surgery is generally done by 3 types first: We will take advantage of this chapter to

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Guide to scar pain

Episiotomy, bartholinitis

Reminder Explain chronic pain Cicatricial neuropathies Associated myofascial syndromes that modify the clinical symptoms of cicatricial neuropathies. Description The surgical approaches to these two procedures are vulvar for bartholinitis +/- perineal for episiotomy. We will

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Guide to scar pain

Open gynecological surgery or caesarean section

Reminder Explain chronic pain Cicatricial neuropathies Associated myofascial syndromes that modify the clinical symptoms of cicatricial neuropathies. Description This surgery is performed by a more or less wide horizontal suprapubic incision (in green). It can

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Guide to pain of myofascial origin

Pelvic pain

Here is the list of muscles potentially responsible for these pains, a link can be selected for more details on a particular muscle: Pelvic floor muscles Hip adductors

Guide to pain of myofascial origin

Pelvic pain

Here is the list of muscles potentially responsible for these pains, a link can be selected for more details on a particular muscle: Pelvic floor muscles Hip adductors


Pudendal nerve neuralgia MEDECIN ABONNE

Pathophysiology of neuralgia of the pudendal nerve Classic pudendal nerve neuralgia is a tunnel syndrome (like carpal tunnel syndrome). There are two areas of possible conflict in the pelvic area: at the level of the

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Post operative chronic pain