Tag: Myofascial supraspinatus muscle syndrome

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Guide to pain of myofascial origin

Myofascial supraspinatus muscle syndrome MEDECIN ABONNE

Rappel anatomique The supraspinatus or supraspinatus muscle attaches medially to the inside of the top of the scapula and laterally to the greater tuberosity of the humeral head (shoulder). (anatomyWikipédia) Myofascial supraspinatus muscle syndrome The

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Guide to pain of myofascial origin

Myofascial supraspinatus muscle syndrome ABONNE LIBRE

Rappel anatomique The supraspinatus or supraspinatus muscle attaches medially to the inside of the top of the scapula and laterally to the greater tuberosity of the humeral head (shoulder). (anatomyWikipédia) Myofascial supraspinatus muscle syndrome The

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Post operative chronic pain