- Explain chronic pain
- Cicatricial neuropathies
- Associated myofascial syndromes that modify the clinical symptoms of cicatricial neuropathies.
Open abdominal surgery includes different routes dictated by the underlying surgery to be performed. The neuropathic pains induced by these surgeries are mostly pains related to the abdominal wall but they are not recognized as such. Here are different approaches and the potentially observed neuropathic painful areas:
- Right and left iliac fossa surgery (inguinal hernia, appendectomy, stoma or stoma closure)
It should be noted that associated with these pains, a gene for active flexion of the hip or erectile dysfunction in men, vulvar pain and pain in the first third of the vagina are described.
- Pfannenstiel-type horizontal suprapubic surgery
These pains, located above the pubis, can be associated with urinary disorders such as bladder instability and/or bladder burns, urethral burns.
- Subumbilical laparotomy surgery
These pains, located above the pubis, can be associated with urinary disorders such as bladder instability and/or bladder burns, urethral burns.
- Supraumbilical laparotomy surgery
In some cases, gastroparesis and/or stubborn constipation may appear in this type of pain
- Surgery of the right and left hypochondrium
In some cases gastroparesis and/or stubborn constipation may appear in this type of pain
Whatever the first approach to use, the clinical examination with rolled palpation of the scarred area will highlight the origin of the pain with reproduction of the pain.